Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Invisible For A Reason

 Invisible For A Reason

I guess it’s something like a guardian angel.  I believe someone is always looking out for you in places or people you least expect. And when from those who you least expect…oh the joy within the element of surprise, ay?

Long ago, I used to believe in destiny, fate, or whatever romanticism you call it.  But like the transformation of food to brown matter, shit happens. Whether it is through heart break, failure, or health issues, as you and I know, events like these change us.  Or at least, that’s the goal. For me, my outlook on life grew tainted a bit.  I lost most of my faith.  I felt that I was on my own. So I did shit on my own. It may have worked for several years, but I found myself in a deeper hole again.  When nothing worked, it was as if some invisible force allowed me to kneel and pray.  Foreign as this gesture may be, it was the first time in a long time that I knelt, prayed, and meant it. Now I’m not here to get all spiritual with you or tackle religion, but since that day, things slowly, but surely got better.

More recently, I’ve been witnessed to my own answered prayers, but more importantly to the success of close friends, fraternity brothers, and people that I care about.  It’s crazy how it all just “works out.”  Like I said earlier, I used to believe in destiny, fate, or what have you.  To me, it was all just a chain of well executed events. Deep down inside, I knew it was something more. Now more than ever, I’m starting to believe again. Maybe we all do have guardian angels that listen to prayers.  And maybe these angels do deliver them carefully to the heavens. We may not see whoever is up there. We may not see who our guardian angel is. But that’s the whole point I guess…to take that leap of faith…to believe that these chains of well executed events were indeed orchestrated by an invisible God-like symphony. You never know in what form of motivation or answered prayer that “thing” you’ve needed to hear just might be in. Just believe.

It’s an uphill climb.

No need to look back because I’m climbing right with you.


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